A church silently doing God's work
Over the past several months, I have witnessed so many people at this church silently doing God's work and loving on one another behind the scenes. From high school upperclassmen sharing advice and encouragement to new and anxious freshmen, to others doing yard work, making meals, helping with health care and rides for our older members or those with medical needs. Also for those who quietly give their time to care for others by keeping the building clean, maintained and safe It is really amazing, and I know there are many more examples I don't have space to list. I pray today that we will begin as a church to take these gifts of service out into the community and be the hands of Jesus to our neighbors. We are so good at it! I would encourage everyone to look for an opportunity this week to serve or love on someone in your neighborhood, school, workplace etc. Then come back and fill out a God Sighting of your own to let everyone know how it went.
- Anonymous