A cross for someone in need

I woke up and prepared for work this morning placing a few things in my pocket of my jeans....phone, car key.....and then I felt an urge to carry a small pocket cross that was on my nightstand. I don’t carry it often and thought twice about putting it in my pocket but couldn’t help thinking this might be God speaking to me. Maybe someone I know will need a cross and my prayers. I thought of 1 or 2 people at work that would benefit from becoming closer to God.

One of my co-workers contacted our Team Leader and indicated she would be arriving late. When she arrived at work I found out her elderly father had fallen and broken his hip in the early morning hours. She lives next door to her parents and is their caretaker in addition to being a single parent to an 11 year old. After she shared her story I gave her my cross and told her perhaps she would like to carry the cross or give it to her mother or father. I told her I would keep them all in my prayers and ask you do the same. What a blessing it was to have that little cross today.

- Lynda Jablonski

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