
Father Eric Snyder

Rector (Lead Pastor)

Eric Snyder has been Rector (Lead Pastor) at St. Michael's since 2018. He has been in ministry for over 25 years. His passion is for spiritual health and vitality, in particular, that God's people would become who they are created to be as children of God. 

As Lead Pastor, Eric leads the staff team, clergy team, and Vestry as well as being accountable to both the parish Vestry and Bishop of the Midwest Anglican Diocese. He preaches most Sundays and also identifies and facilitates opportunities for leaders to teach, train, and disciple the congregation in the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

He has been married to his wife, a child psychotherapist in Milwaukee, for 31 years. They are the proud parents of five adult children, along with two daughters-in-law and one son-in-law. Eric loves to cook, enjoys history and economics, and is a big fan of Narnia, Harry Potter, and the Detroit Tigers.

Father John Mackett

Pastor for Worship and Discipleship

John Mackett has served at St. Michael’s joyfully since 2017, first as an interim pastor and since then in many different roles. 

John oversees the liturgy of the church’s worship services and helps to provide pastoral care to the parish. He oversees much of the teaching at St. Michael’s, including a regular prayer group, young men’s discipleship group, and several Catechesis classes each year. He also assists with preaching and music leadership on occasion.

John and his wife, a local foundation employee, have been married over 30 years and have two adult sons and three grandchildren plus their “extended family" from Sri Lanka (two parents and three children) that God brought them ten years ago. Throughout their life together they have served in the ministry of teaching the Bible to children, youth, and adults. John loves walking, enjoying sweets, drinking coffee, and watching mysteries.

Pastor Brad Embry

Pastor for Missions and Outreach

Brad Embry has served at St. Michael’s since the Fall of 2024 as a pastoral assistant in the areas of mission and outreach. Brad serves in several capacities at St. Michaels, including buildings and grounds (maintenance) and spiritual formation and continuing discipleship. Brad assists as a lector, with diaconal duties, preaching, and pastoral care.

Brad and his wife Kori have been married for 27 years and have four sons. They moved to Wisconsin in August of 2023. They have lived in England, Hawaii, Washington State, and Virginia. Brad served for nearly 15 years as an educator at several Christian universities, teaching in the area of Old Testament studies. His current interests are in the area of spiritual formation, prayer, and the arts (especially poetry). Brad enjoys woodworking, cycling, and general construction. When able, he also likes to fish and paddle board.

Bekah Grace

Director of Communications and Organizational Leadership

Bekah Grace has served on staff at St. Michael’s since 2022 but has been a part of the parish body since 2013 when she walked into her first worship service and fell in love with the Anglican tradition and the ways God used it to call her closer to Himself. 

In her role, Bekah focuses on building, launching, and sustaining healthy and dynamic ministries. She works to maintain a healthy organizational structure for the parish and leadership teams through robust system development, collaboration, and a strong communication strategy.

Bekah has been married to her husband, a clinical psychologist, for over 15 years and is a part-time homeschool mom of three children. She enjoys looking for the good, true, and beautiful all around her - especially while reading classic fiction, flower gardening, and road tripping all over America with her family.

Alonzo Crawford

Pastoral Intern

Alonzo is excited to serve this year as St. Michael's Pastoral Intern. Born and raised in Kentucky, Alonzo has lived all over the South, most recently in South Carolina before moving to Wisconsin in order to pursue a Master of Divinity from Nashotah House Theological Seminary. He and his wife Lauren have been married for 11 years and are blessed to have two beautiful daughters. Alonzo is passionate about seeing lives transformed by the life-giving power of God in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In his free time Alonzo enjoys reading military history, biographies, classic literature, and thrillers as well as supporting his favorite sports team, Arsenal Football Club.

Mykah Snyder

Director of Music

Mykah Snyder has served as director of music at St. Michael's since 2023. She has been involved in music ministry for over a decade, as a pianist and vocalist. 

As director of music, she coordinates multiple worship music teams, selects music that corresponds with the liturgy of the church's worship services, and manages an ever-expanding collection of musical scores. Her vision for the music at St. Michael's is that it engages congregants of all ages, reinforces discipleship, and leads the congregation towards flourishing in Christ. 

Mykah and her husband are animal and outdoor enthusiasts, spending countless hours hiking and exploring with their three rescue pets, a horse and two dogs.

Dennyse Snyder

Director of Children’s Ministry

Dennyse has volunteered in children and youth ministry for the past 30 years and at St. Michael’s for the last 5. She loves being a part of a child’s spiritual journey.

Dennyse leads a team of adults that strive to empower the parish to welcome children and seek to lead them, through Worship, Catechesis (teaching) and example, to experience the love of God in such a way that inspires the children of our parish to follow after Him and share their faith with others. 

Dennyse enjoys her work as a child therapist. When not working or volunteering at church she enjoys family time, quilting, home projects and playing with her dogs (a 7 year old Great Dane and 2 Chihuahua/Shih Tzu puppies).

Logan Stone and Katherine Kunz

Directors of Youth Ministry

Logan and Katherine are long time members of St Michael's, sharing memories of their own time as active youth members of the church before stepping into the role of Youth Directors in 2020. With several years of experience working with kids and teens, their goal is to create a safe space for youth to engage in Bible study, conversation, spiritual development, and discover their unique purpose in God’s larger story.

When not at St. Michael's, Logan is usually helping design buildings as a Plumbing Engineer or teaching plumbing at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. In his free time, he enjoys playing trumpet, windsurfing, and exploring the outdoors with his family. Katherine can be found practicing as a Licensed Professional Counselor for children and teens in Waukesha and surrounding areas. She can also be seen enjoying her "funny farm" of chickens, donkeys, and dogs.

Charles and Chris Hayes

Directors of Missions

As firm believers in the importance of local and worldwide missions, our parish has a robust Missions Team. As directors of this team, Charles and Chris oversee care for the needs of our supported missions partners through monthly donations, special gifts, and intentional and regular communication. With their ministry team, they also host missions events each year and actively seek others whom we can partner with in ministry.

Kevin Kunz and Tom Repp


Kevin and Tom have served as our trusted financial team since 2020. They have been a part of St. Michael’s since its formation. They work with Fr. Eric to develop the budget each year and send monthly reports to our Vestry.


A Vestry is a group of laypeople elected by the parish to exercise stewardship of the congregation’s ministry. Each individual serves a 3-year term. 

Pictured left to right: Ryan Kneuse, Drew Randall (Jr. Warden), Don Paul (Sr. Warden), Sandy Puestow, Hannah Baker, Emma Kunz, Tom Repp, Scott Shanks, Eric Snyder

Don Paul

Senior Warden

Don has been attending St. Michael’s since its formation. As the Senior Warden, he serves as the primary lay leader of the congregation and serves as the principal liaison between the parish and the Rector.

Drew Randall

Junior Warden

Drew has been attending St. Michael’s for many years. As the Junior Warden, Don chairs the Building and Grounds committee and is responsible for the temporal needs of the parish.