Our Story
In 2009, a small group of people began to meet regularly for prayer in response to a need for a gospel-centered Anglican church in the Waukesha County area. After a season of discernment, St. Michael’s Anglican Church was launched on April 18, 2010. Some of the first services were held on the campus of Nashotah House Theological Seminary, aided and supported by Dean Robert Munday and many others.
In 2011 Fr. Thad Butcher accepted the call to become the first Rector of St. Michael’s, and helped shepherd the parish through incorporation into the Anglican Church in North America and the Diocese of the Upper Midwest, and move to a new worship space at Lake Country School.
Fr. Phil Anderas served as Rector in 2015-2016, and in 2017 St. Michael’s purchased a new church building in downtown Delafield, WI. In 2018, Eric Snyder accepted the call to serve as Rector of St. Michael’s.
And when we outgrew our downtown Delafield location in 2019, we purchased our current building a mile up the road. We praise God for His provision!
St. Michael the Archangel
Our name, St. Michael’s, says something important about who we are and what we are becoming. Michael, the Archangel, is a leader in God’s army, a fighter of injustice, a healer of the sick, and a guardian of the Church. With God’s help, so are we! Click here for a list of biblical references to Michael.
In art Saint Michael is depicted with a sword, a banner, or scales (symbolizing God’s weighing of both justice and mercy), and is often shown vanquishing Satan in the form of a dragon.
We are devoted to leading, not passively waiting for Jesus’ return. A local church that leads is taking risks, speaking boldly, and loving openly.
We are devoted to fighting or pushing back against the darkness. A local church that fights does not stand by while individuals, families, and communities are suffering. We are committed to seeing God bring change.
We are devoted to bringing the healing power of God to those who are sick in mind, body, or spirit. A local church that is a healing agent moves forward in faith knowing that God’s will is to bind up the broken-hearted and bring hope to the despairing.
We are devoted to guarding the truth, protecting the integrity and character of God’s people. A local church that is a guardian is driven to mutual accountability as we seek to walk in integrity, speaking and living the truth in love.