The Gospel Truth: Gospel Consequence

Galatians 5:13-25 is the focus of this sermon from Fr. Eric Snyder. He preaches on the practicality of the Gospel. "Does the gospel change anything about the way you practically relate to people or is it just in your head? The most important thing we do with this text is we do not look outward and say "yep I see that happening out there." Instead we must recognize when and how does the devil roar in my life? When and how does the enemy of my soul... prevent me from living into who God has called me to be?"

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Resurrection Realities: He Rose For You

He Is Risen!! On Easter Sunday, Pastor Eric Snyder explains how “what happened that day was history’s pivot. On that day death died. It is no longer the last word… The enemies of the human soul have been defeated. Today we proclaim that life has flourished and death has died because of God's power.” He also uses the words “gussy” and “twaddle”…

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Aaron GraceComment
A New Way of Life - Resting in God's Love

Pastor Eric Snyder concludes our Lenten sermon series with a sermon on the Psalm that the crowd quoted as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. He shares how we can stop flailing and find in God everything we're looking for. He also talks golf and makes a movie recommendation.

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Aaron GraceComment
A New Way of Life: Firming Up Memory

Pastor Eric preaches on Joshua chapter 4 to continue our Lenten sermon series. He stresses the importance of remembering the actual works God has done in our lives and the lives of Christians across time. "What happens when our faith is not rooted in memory? When our faith is not rooted in facts? When we forget what God has done? Our faith blows away like chaff."

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