Pastor Eric Snyder preaches on John 13:31-35. He discusses how living the Christian life is hard. "It's not about what you like, what you prefer, what is easy, what is natural."
Read MoreWhat does Jesus say his disciples do? In this sermon on John 10:22-30, Pastor Eric Snyder outlines some ways to evaluate the genuineness of our own interest in Jesus.
Read MorePastor Eric continues the Resurrection Realities series with a challenge: How can your faith become more real? How does it intersect with your everyday frustrations?
Read MorePastor Eric Snyder continues the Resurrection Realities sermon series with this passage from John's Gospel. In the days following the resurrection, with the disciples scared, "Jesus stands in the middle of their everyday worries. And He gives them something..."
Read MoreHe Is Risen!! On Easter Sunday, Pastor Eric Snyder explains how “what happened that day was history’s pivot. On that day death died. It is no longer the last word… The enemies of the human soul have been defeated. Today we proclaim that life has flourished and death has died because of God's power.” He also uses the words “gussy” and “twaddle”…
Read MorePastor Eric Snyder concludes our Lenten sermon series with a sermon on the Psalm that the crowd quoted as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. He shares how we can stop flailing and find in God everything we're looking for. He also talks golf and makes a movie recommendation.
Read MorePastor Eric Snyder preaches about the process of growing up as a Christian, and how that means going where God leads us. "As we become mature Christians, what we want is to please God."
Read MorePastor Eric preaches on Joshua chapter 4 to continue our Lenten sermon series. He stresses the importance of remembering the actual works God has done in our lives and the lives of Christians across time. "What happens when our faith is not rooted in memory? When our faith is not rooted in facts? When we forget what God has done? Our faith blows away like chaff."
Read MorePastor Sean Steinke preaches in our Lenten series on Exodus chapter 3. In this story, God I-Am-bushes Moses and calls him to a plan God has for him. As Pastor Sean goes on to say, "each of you has a people that God has called you to deliver."
Read MorePastor Eric Snyder preaches on Genesis 15:1-12 where he explains that Abram trusted that God was enough, even in the face of his own doubts. Pastor Eric also clearly tells us what God's Will is for our lives...
Read MorePastor Eric Snyder begins the New Way of Life sermon series by preaching on Deuteronomy 26: 1-11. He shows how this passage outlines five ways to deepen your relationship with God during Lent.
Read MorePastor Eric Snyder concludes the Drinking The Good Wine series with this sermon on Transfiguration Sunday. He explains how this is a "hinge" Sunday as we prepare for Lent. "No matter how long you've been following Jesus, God's will as we shift into a new season is that your faith would be deepened and challenged in ways that you've yet to conceive of." He also issues a Lenten challenge.
Read MorePastor Eric Snyder outlines the six tools that God gives Christians for completing God’s purpose. He also shares what his favorite everyday tool is…
Read MorePastor Eric Snyder preaches on Luke 6:27-38 in the Drinking the Good Wine series. He explains how as Christians we are committing to being weird and says that we should have an agenda with those around us... although it might not be what you think.
Read MoreHow is our life different when the God of the universe shows up in the middle of our ordinary days? Pastor Eric Snyder preaches on Luke 5:1-11 to continue the Drinking The Good Wine sermon series.
Read MorePastor Eric preaches on Luke 4:21-32, in which Jesus messes with comfortable Religion. "Sin left unchecked in your personal living will eventually lead you to a place where you want to slough Jesus off the cliff."
Read MorePastor Eric Snyder continues the Drinking The Good Wine series on Luke 4:14-21. God is ready to go on the offense in your personal living!
Read MorePastor Eric Snyder begins the Drinking the Good Wine sermon series with this look at John 2:1-11. Are you ready for Jesus to make your ordinary into something extraordinary?
Read MoreOn Epiphany Sunday, Pastor Eric Snyder concludes the God's Rescue Mission sermon series. "The truth of Christmas is that we have received a Helper... God is going to shake off the darkness that has got ahold of you and bring you back to your original place as a son or daughter of God.”
Read MoreThe season of Advent has given way to Christmastide! Pastor John Mackett continues the sermon series God's Rescue Mission by preaching on this passage from Isaiah.
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