Lent is a time when Christians throughout the world engage in penitence and self-sacrifice in preparation for Easter. It is 40 days long and covers 6 Sundays— beginning on Ash Wednesday and culminating on Easter in the joyous celebration of the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead! We hope you will join us at St. Michael’s for one of the most central seasons of the Church year.
Ash Wednesday Service
March 5th, 7:00pm
Full Ash Wednesday service at 7:00pm, which includes the imposition of ashes.
Lent Worship Services
Sundays at 10:15am
Each Sunday morning during Lent we will gather for worship at 10:15am. We’ll sing, hear portions of the Bible read, and receive Communion. And our rector, Fr. Eric Snyder, will be giving a sermon series on Prayer. You can listen to previous sermons here.
Wednesday Services
A St. Michael’s Tradition! March 12th - April 9th
6:15pm - 6:45pm — Lenten Soup Supper together.
7:00pm — Lenten service. Evening prayer, followed by a brief teaching from a variety of guests including Fr. Ben Jefferies, Pastor Brad Embry, and our pastoral interns.
Fridays in Lent
12:00pm - 12:30pm — Come pray the Stations of the Cross with others. We will provide booklets to help guide you.
Holy Week
Our season of preparation culminates in a week of special services.
Palm Sunday (April 13th), 10:15am. Join us for a celebratory outdoor processional with palms and a dramatic reading of the Passion. Our Bishop will be joyfully with us on this special day.
Note that there will be no Wednesday evening service during Holy Week.
Maundy Thursday (April 17th), 7:00pm. We remember the night before Jesus was crucified and his establishment of communion and his command to love one another.
Good Friday (April 18th). Come pray the Stations of the Cross at 11:00am or 6:00pm. Then stay (or arrive) for our Good Friday Service at 12:00pm or 7:00pm.
We will remember the night Jesus was crucified with a quiet and simple worship service with silence held at the end.
We encourage you to schedule personal confession with one of our priests on Good Friday. Click here to schedule.
Saturday Easter Vigil (April 19th), 7:00pm - 9:00pm. We will gather in the darkness just as the women who went to the tomb went there before dawn. We will recount all of redemption history as we await the coming of the Light of the World. And then we will celebrate the day of His resurrection!
Easter Sunday (April 20th), 10:15am. Easter is a grand feast day! Come to Easter Sunday service in which we joyfully celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Bring a bell to ring during the service!
During Lent we prepare for the mystery of Easter on Sundays when we gather to worship and also during the rest of the week in our homes. Here are some resources that can help you and your household this Lenten season.
Lent: A Rookie Anglican Guide by Anglican Pastor
Holy Week: A Rookie Anglican Guide by Anglican Pastor
Lent, an album from Liturgical Folk, an Anglican songwriting group
Stations of the Cross Devotional Guide for using with children of all ages
Biola Lent Project is a daily devotional series celebrating the Lent season through art, music, poetry, prayer, Scripture, and a written devotion. Our goal is to help individuals to quiet their hearts and enter into a daily routine of worship and reflection during this meaningful season.
Click here to sign up for daily devotionals from the Matthew 25 Initiative. They are Anglican-informed and in the vein of the church’s traditional disciplines of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
"The Good of Giving Up" is a good introductory book for those who are interested in Lent but do not know where to begin. Written by Fr. Aaron Damiani of Immanuel Anglican Church (Chicago, Illinois)
Family resource ideas for Lent from Ashley Tumlin Wallace, a homeschooling mom married to an Anglican priest in Florida. Her ideas and resources help families with children prepare and practice Lent within the home and church.
Lent and Holy Week Playlists from our cathedral church, Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.