Membership Covenants

at St. Michaels

God’s will for each of us is to have a healthy relationship with Him and with His family. At St. Michael’s our spiritual health is marked by our commitment to a four-part “Membership Covenant.”

1. Worship Attendance

A commitment to Sunday morning is central for any member. Of the 52 weeks this year, how many is God calling you to attend?

2. Common Prayer Group

CPG's meet two times a month from October thru May. These groups are the primary way members of St. Michael's do "life together" and are meant to strengthen our spiritual lives, deepen our relationships with each other, and foster a culture of evangelism at St. Michael's.

3. Ministry Involvement

Every member is encouraged to be involved, but not over-involved.
Click the button below to view a variety of ministry opportunities categorized under their ministry areas.
How is God leading you to make a difference this year?

4. Financial Stewardship

As Christians, we thank God for the strength to earn an income by offering back to Him our firstfruits or 10% tithe. At St. Michael's we encourage families to prayerfully do their best and commit to this goal over time. How is God calling you to commit your finances this year?

Will you join us by committing to this four-part membership covenant?

We ask you to make a personal commitment to all four, but fill out a pledge form above for ministry involvement and financial stewardship.