For centuries, Christians have spent four Sundays and weeks each year (“Advent”) preparing to celebrate one of the most wonderful mysteries of human history: God came to earth and walked among us as Jesus Christ. We hope you will join us at St. Michael’s this season to prepare for this great celebration!


Advent Worship Services

Sundays in December, 10:15 am

Each Sunday morning during December we will gather for worship at 10:15am. We’ll sing, hear portions of the Bible read, and receive Communion. And our Rector, Eric Snyder, will be delivering a sermon from our sermon series How Great is Our God based on Old Testament lectionary readings.

You can learn more about Sunday morning services here.

Feast of St. Nicholas

Sunday, December 8th, 5:00 - 7:00pm

Our Advent season parish-wide gathering! This event will happen at the church and will include the following:

  • Missions-focused giving — We are collecting gifts for families through Carenet Pregnancy Center to support families in crisis

  • A full meal - The main will be provided by church and everything else will be potluck style

  • Programming: A Children's Program and a parish-wide carol sing


Christmas Eve Services

December 24th, 4:00pm — We will gather for a candlelight “Lessons and Carols” service of Bible reading and traditional carols and hymns. The Lord’s supper will also be celebrated.

No childcare is available, but children of all ages are invited to join the service as we welcome the noises and wiggles they naturally bring with them. (We always have a cry room available for those with little ones who need to step away from the service.)


During Advent we prepare for the mystery of Christmas on Sundays when we gather to worship and also during the rest of the week in our homes. Here are some resources that can help you and your household—whatever it looks like—this Advent season.